
​An indefinite aura emanates from this constellated ball of pleasing pastel, which keeps moving around on the inside of your head as though it knows no rest. If you concentrate close enough, you could actually feel it dancing around, making distorted patterns and nudging different parts of your brain in the process. With every nudge and every bounce, it never fails to string together certain thoughts and memories. The train of endless possibilities is what keeps you up at 2 AM. This ball touches the part of your brain that reminds you of the glow of his skin from the pale moonlight. And how his face sparks up when he goes on and on about something he’s passionate about. How complete you feel when he locks his hand in yours. Then it touches the part which brings back the irreplaceable feeling when he looks at you with those eyes, and these eyes reassure you that you are something that truly matters in his heart. Then it dances to the part where he knocks the wind out of you every single time he kisses your forehead. The part which sends shivers down your spine because a great love like this is ethereal, and nothing has made you feel surer. And slowly you feel yourself drifting away into deep slumber because at the end of a tiring day, just going back and over all the happy times is what eases you up, and that’s pretty much all you need.

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